Care team

Your care team

Your care team will listen to you and get to know you and what is important to you so we can provide the best care and guidance possible. We are passionate about helping people with their weight-loss goals and we get excited to see our patients succeed!

Since we care for our patients weekly, we develop a special and close connection with our patients, which encourages success in their weight-loss journey.

We also have regular group training and educational events with an exercise physiologist and a cardiovascular nurse.

Eldad Einav, MD FACC

Eldad Einav, MD FACC

Medical Director

Dr. Eldad Einav is a Clinical Assistant Professor at SUNY Upstate Medical University. Dr. Einav has more than 25 years of experience caring for patients, first as a general practitioner, then as a cardiologist.

After graduating cum laude from Hadassah Medical School at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel, he started his career as an army physician in the IDF, the Israeli Defense Forces. In the U.S., Dr. Einav was trained in cardiology at NYU School of Medicine in New York City. In the last several years, Dr. Einav has helped hundreds of patients achieve and maintain a healthy weight and improve cardiovascular health and well-being.

Dr. Einav has lectured on preventive cardiology and weight-loss in multiple academic venues and is a frequent participant in professional conferences of the American College of Cardiology and the Obesity Medicine Association. He is board certified in cardiology and obesity medicine. In addition, Dr. Einav has acquired knowledge in the psychological aspects of weight-loss at the Beck’s Institute for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Philadelphia, the foremost center of its kind in the U.S.

Dr. Einav is a dedicated father to his son and has a passion for cooking delicious and healthy Mediterranean food.