Mindful Eating

weight loss & improving self-image

Ever munch through a bag of chips, barely taking your eyes off of your computer screen? Gobbling up food, snacking while doing other activities, or bored eating are pretty much the opposite of mindful eating.

Mindful eating is about hunger levels. Ask yourself how hungry you are as you unwrap a treat. Savour your food. Think about flavors and textures as you eat. Eat deliberately and with a steady and controlled pace. Enjoy your food!

What is “Mindful Eating?”

Mindful eating is not a new practice. It is the both ancient and modern practice of being fully present for what, when, and how you eat. It is appreciating and savouring your food, genuinely evaluating your hunger before eating, and taking accountability for eating.

How to eat mindfully

Become intimately aware of when you feel hungry, versus when you are simply bored or distracted. Pay attention to your food’s flavor and texture, and be present in the moment. Eat slowly, and chew for longer. Enjoy the moment!

Quick Tips

  • Reflect on your meal.
  • Sit down. Don’t eat on the go.
  • Evaluate portions.
  • Feel the weight of food on your utensil.
  • Chew for longer.
  • Make note of flavors and textures.
  • Feel or show gratitude.
  • Put down your utensil for a moment.

Your Biology

Mindful eating is not just a mental exercise. Chewing for longer will further break down food, making it easier to digest. Eating more slowly also allows your small intestine and hormonal responses to keep up.

Mindful Eating as Part of YOUR Diet Plan

Mindful eating is an important component of any diet plan. It helps you improve the “how to eat” part, and keeps you disciplined and accountable to yourself. Mindful eating reduces urges and cravings, binge eating, emotional eating, improves weight loss results, and assists in maintaining weight loss success (source)

Weight Loss Is More Than Just Eating the Right Foods. It’s About Eating the Right Way.

By itself, mindful eating is not a weight loss silver bullet. Mindful eating is part of an approach. It’s a tool to add to your weight loss toolkit in order to improve results and keep the weight off. When you eat while distracted, or emotional, or bored, you are more likely to overeat, choose unhealthy options, and ignore feelings of fullness.

 But What About After?

How to Maintain Your Results

Make Mindful Eating a Habit in Every Meal

Make a point when you sit down to eat to stop and think about what you are eating, why you are eating these foods, why you are eating at this time, and how much you think you need to eat to become full. Do this prior to every meal to set a calm and deliberate attitude, and to form the good habit of mindful eating.

Consider Keeping a Private Food Log

I know it sounds cheesy, but writing down everything you eat, portion sizes, and when you eat it can illuminate eating habits you do not realize you have. Mindful eating is about accountability and positive reinforcement. Don’t worry, no one else has to know! 

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Contact us today to schedule a weight loss consultation! 


(607) 340-1870


732 Vestal Parkway East Suite 6A
Vestal, NY 13850